I enjoyed this class. Sometimes presentation was difficult. I think final presentation is the most difficult, because I couldn't get some good information. Japanese summer was the best presentation, because I knew Japanese summer very mush. Seeing my classmate's presentations is enjoyable, because their presentation is good. I like to see their slides. There are some good information and good pictures. I was very nervous at presentation, because I don't like to speech in front of people. However it was good experience. Making Blog and slides is enjoyable too, because I like making blog and slides. Making speech is difficult. I was careful that I use easy words, because I want to make speech easier to understand.
The good point of this class is group work, because members could be friends. The bad point of this class is that time to make presentation is little. I wanted more time for presentation. I would like to be good English speaker.
Study in China

I introduce about studying in China for 4 weeks. If you want to join this trip, you have to need 8credits of Chinese. We commute to Beijing Foreign Studies University. There are 20000 students and 700 international students in school. It is good for study China. We study Chinese at University in the morning, after lunch we have a time of extracurricular activities after lunch. We can study Chinese yourself or go to sightseeing.

Sorce:Beijing Foreign Studies Unversity. If you want to know Beijing Foreign Studies University, You should check.
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